Inflammation Back Pain Herbs Rememdies396

Natural Herbal Therapies For Your Aching Back Pain

This article focuses on herbs as a natural anti inflammatory therapy, especially for back pain. With proper diet and exercise, herbs can help the body recover much more quickly. The following are my favorite herbs for both internal and external applications.

Oil Pulling Benefits with Coconut Oil268

10 Oil Pulling Benefits and How to Get Started Now

Whether Oil pulling with coconut oil or other oils, the practice is beneficial in so many ways. Let’s discover this time honored practice, learn how it works, and explore it’s many health benefits so we can start reaping them ASAP!

Homemade Sugar Scrub Coffee324

A Homemade Hazelnut Coffee Sugar Scrub Recipe

This homemade sugar scrub is great for use on hands and feet. We made it a coffee sugar scrub because we love the smell the coffee imparts. This scrub also makes a great gift, especially around Valentine’s Day!

Sensitive Teeth293

How to Care for Sensitive Teeth Naturally

For sensitive teeth, I avoid xylitol, glycerine, fluoride, and sugar in toothpaste as they interfere with teeth’s ability to mineralize. Instead I make my own simple clay toothpaste, and do a few other simple, natural things.

Blackheads Homemade Blackhead Mask942

A Simple, Effective Blackhead Removing Facial Mask

I’ve had problems with blackheads and oily skin all my life. Luckily, this simple homemade blackhead mask (with a secret ingredient) can help clear blackheads and leave your skin soft and smooth.

Kaffir Lime Leaves273

How to Grow and Use Your Own Kaffir Lime Tree

Kaffir lime leaves come from a thorny lime tree–native to the tropics–whose leaves are useful in many ways. But what if you live north of the tropics? That’s the good news, we’re about to show you how you can grow it, and use it, even if you’re north of the beautiful tropics!

Homemade Bath Salts Detox Holidays266

Homemade Holiday Bath Salts: Relax and Detoxify!

Homemade bath salts for the holidays! The stress of the holidays can lead to poor diet and even illness, so it’s time to relax and detoxify! One of the easiest ways to detox is to soak in a bath full of effective, detoxifying ingredients like these.

Health Benefits of Moringa284

Health Benefits of Moringa and Ways to Use the Tree

Ah the amazing health benefits of Moringa! Moringa is a fast-growing, drought-tolerant tree with many uses for health and beauty. You can grow it anywhere in-doors, or out-doors if you live within the USDA hardiness zones of 9-10.